Exit the Outlook Search Repair tool when you receive the following message after the repair is completed:.The tool searches for duplicate installations of Outlook. Download and open the Outlook Search Repair tool.Now click on the Add-Ins option and choose the add-in that you want to disable. Select the Ribbon and open Developer option from the tab. Open Word application and navigate to Preferences. The first thing that you need to fix Word not responding on Mac is either disable or remove the add-ins from your Mac. Why my Microsoft Word is not working on Mac? Go to ~/Library/Preferences, locate the files “com.Office/User Content/Templates, move Normal. Open Finder and go to ~/Library/Group Containers/UBF8T346G9.How do I reset Microsoft Office on my Mac? While you are selecting the file, at the right bottom side of the window, choose the Repair option and click on the Ok button. Choose the Open option, and it will open up a dialog box where you can select the Word file which needs repair.

Start MS Word and click on the File menu. How do I repair Microsoft Word on my Mac?
Run repair office mac update#

How do I repair Microsoft Word on my Mac?.